Periodicals on Advancements in Operating Systems and Networking

May 31, 2023



The IST Student Lab Research Exhibit Discussion Paper Series shows preliminary research work conducted by students and professionals in the field of Information Science and Technology. The papers presented under this series are unreviewed and subject to revisions. As such, these papers are distributed with the intention of soliciting commentary and feedback from experts in their respective fields.

No part of this publication may be reproduced by any process without the written permission of the copyright holder except for brief sections to be used for academic and research related purposes. The views expressed in the articles are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not represent any position held by the Department of Information Science and Technology, and the University of Asia and the Pacific.

Security analysis between Windows, Linux and macOS

Rizadette De La Cruz 

Network Deception Technologies and The Possible Integration with Artificial Intelligence

Simon Rafael Gaston 

A Survey on 6G Requirements, Implementation Challenges and Potential Use Cases

Rosemarie E. Reyes